Source code for dfvfs.helpers.command_line

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helpers for command line tools."""

import abc
import codecs
import getpass
import locale
import logging
import sys
import textwrap

  import win32console
except ImportError:
  win32console = None

from dfdatetime import filetime as dfdatetime_filetime

from dfvfs.helpers import volume_scanner
from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors

[docs] class CLIInputReader(object): """Command line interface input reader interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes an input reader. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(CLIInputReader, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Read(self): """Reads a string from the input. Returns: str: input. """
[docs] class FileObjectInputReader(CLIInputReader): """File object command line interface input reader. This input reader relies on the file-like object having a readline method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_object, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a file object input reader. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(FileObjectInputReader, self).__init__(encoding=encoding) self._errors = 'strict' self._file_object = file_object
[docs] def Read(self): """Reads a string from the input. Returns: str: input. """ input_string = self._file_object.readline() if isinstance(input_string, bytes): try: input_string = codecs.decode(input_string, self._encoding, self._errors) except UnicodeDecodeError: if self._errors == 'strict': logging.error( 'Unable to properly read input due to encoding error. ' 'Switching to error tolerant encoding which can result in ' 'non Basic Latin (C0) characters to be replaced with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') self._errors = 'replace' input_string = codecs.decode(input_string, self._encoding, self._errors) return input_string
[docs] class StdinInputReader(FileObjectInputReader): """Stdin command line interface input reader."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a stdin input reader. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): input encoding. """ super(StdinInputReader, self).__init__(sys.stdin, encoding=encoding)
[docs] class CLIOutputWriter(object): """Command line interface output writer interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes an output writer. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(CLIOutputWriter, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding
[docs] def Flush(self): """Flushes buffered data to the output.""" return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """
[docs] class FileObjectOutputWriter(CLIOutputWriter): """File object command line interface output writer. This output writer relies on the file-like object having a write method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_object, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a file object output writer. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(FileObjectOutputWriter, self).__init__(encoding=encoding) self._errors = 'strict' self._file_object = file_object
[docs] def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """ try: # Note that encode() will first convert string into a Unicode string # if necessary. encoded_string = codecs.encode(string, self._encoding, self._errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: if self._errors == 'strict': logging.error( 'Unable to properly write output due to encoding error. ' 'Switching to error tolerant encoding which can result in ' 'non Basic Latin (C0) characters to be replaced with "?" or ' '"\\ufffd".') self._errors = 'replace' encoded_string = codecs.encode(string, self._encoding, self._errors) self._file_object.write(encoded_string)
[docs] class StdoutOutputWriter(CLIOutputWriter): """Stdout command line interface output writer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a stdout output writer. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): output encoding. """ super(StdoutOutputWriter, self).__init__(encoding=encoding)
[docs] def Flush(self): """Flushes buffered data to the output.""" sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to the output. Args: string (str): output. """ sys.stdout.write(string)
[docs] class CLITabularTableView(object): """Command line interface tabular table view.""" _NUMBER_OF_SPACES_IN_TAB = 8
[docs] def __init__(self, column_names=None, column_sizes=None): """Initializes a command line interface tabular table view. Args: column_names (Optional[list[str]]): column names. column_sizes (Optional[list[int]]): minimum column sizes, in number of characters. If a column name or row value is larger than the minimum column size the column will be enlarged. Note that the minimum columns size will be rounded up to the number of spaces of the next tab. """ super(CLITabularTableView, self).__init__() self._columns = column_names or [] self._column_sizes = column_sizes or [] self._number_of_columns = len(self._columns) self._rows = []
def _WriteRow(self, output_writer, values, in_bold=False): """Writes a row of values aligned with the width to the output writer. Args: output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. values (list[object]): values. in_bold (Optional[bool]): True if the row should be written in bold. """ row_strings = [] for value_index, value_string in enumerate(values): padding_size = self._column_sizes[value_index] - len(value_string) padding_string = ' ' * padding_size row_strings.extend([value_string, padding_string]) row_strings.pop() row_strings = ''.join(row_strings) if in_bold and not win32console: # TODO: for win32console get current color and set intensity, # write the header separately then reset intensity. output_writer.Write(f'\x1b[1m{row_strings:s}\x1b[0m\n') else: output_writer.Write(f'{row_strings:s}\n')
[docs] def AddRow(self, values): """Adds a row of values. Args: values (list[object]): values. Raises: ValueError: if the number of values is out of bounds. """ if self._number_of_columns and len(values) != self._number_of_columns: raise ValueError('Number of values is out of bounds.') if not self._column_sizes and self._columns: self._column_sizes = [len(column) for column in self._columns] value_strings = [] for value_index, value_string in enumerate(values): if not isinstance(value_string, str): value_string = f'{value_string!s}' value_strings.append(value_string) self._column_sizes[value_index] = max( self._column_sizes[value_index], len(value_string)) self._rows.append(value_strings) if not self._number_of_columns: self._number_of_columns = len(value_strings)
[docs] def Write(self, output_writer): """Writes the table to output writer. Args: output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. """ # Round up the column sizes to the nearest tab. for column_index, column_size in enumerate(self._column_sizes): column_size, _ = divmod(column_size, self._NUMBER_OF_SPACES_IN_TAB) column_size = (column_size + 1) * self._NUMBER_OF_SPACES_IN_TAB self._column_sizes[column_index] = column_size if self._columns: self._WriteRow(output_writer, self._columns, in_bold=True) for values in self._rows: self._WriteRow(output_writer, values)
[docs] class CLIVolumeScannerMediator(volume_scanner.VolumeScannerMediator): """Command line volume scanner mediator.""" _UNITS_1000 = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] _UNITS_1024 = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'] _USER_PROMPT_PARTITIONS = ( 'Please specify the identifier of the partition that should be ' 'processed. All partitions can be defined as: "all". Note that you can ' 'abort with Ctrl^C.') _USER_PROMPT_SNAPSHOTS = ( 'Please specify the identifier(s) of the {0:s} snapshot that should be ' 'processed. Note that a range of snapshots can be defined as: 3..5. ' 'Multiple snapshots can be defined as: 1,3,5 (a list of comma separated ' 'values). Ranges and lists can also be combined as: 1,3..5. The first ' 'snapshot is 1. All snapshots can be defined as "all". If no snapshots ' 'are specified none will be processed. You can abort with Ctrl^C.') _USER_PROMPT_VOLUMES = ( 'Please specify the identifier(s) of the {0:s} volume that should be ' 'processed. Note that a range of volumes can be defined as: 3..5. ' 'Multiple volumes can be defined as: 1,3,5 (a list of comma separated ' 'values). Ranges and lists can also be combined as: 1,3..5. The first ' 'volume is 1. All volumes can be defined as "all". If no volumes are ' 'specified none will be processed. You can abort with Ctrl^C.')
[docs] def __init__(self, input_reader=None, output_writer=None): """Initializes a volume scanner mediator. Args: input_reader (Optional[CLIInputReader]): input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used. output_writer (Optional[CLIOutputWriter]): output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used. """ preferred_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() if not input_reader: input_reader = StdinInputReader(encoding=preferred_encoding) if not output_writer: output_writer = StdoutOutputWriter(encoding=preferred_encoding) super(CLIVolumeScannerMediator, self).__init__() self._input_reader = input_reader self._output_writer = output_writer self._textwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper()
def _FormatHumanReadableSize(self, size): """Represents a number of bytes as a human readable string. Args: size (int): size in bytes. Returns: str: human readable string of the size. """ magnitude_1000 = 0 size_1000 = float(size) while size_1000 >= 1000: size_1000 /= 1000 magnitude_1000 += 1 magnitude_1024 = 0 size_1024 = float(size) while size_1024 >= 1024: size_1024 /= 1024 magnitude_1024 += 1 size_string_1000 = None if 0 < magnitude_1000 <= 7: units_1000 = self._UNITS_1000[magnitude_1000] size_string_1000 = f'{size_1000:.1f}{units_1000:s}' size_string_1024 = None if 0 < magnitude_1024 <= 7: units_1024 = self._UNITS_1024[magnitude_1024] size_string_1024 = f'{size_1024:.1f}{units_1024:s}' if not size_string_1000 or not size_string_1024: return f'{size:d} B' return f'{size_string_1024:s} / {size_string_1000:s} ({size:d} B)' def _ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( self, volume_identifiers_string, prefix='v'): """Parses a user specified volume identifiers string. Args: volume_identifiers_string (str): user specified volume identifiers. A range of volumes can be defined as: "3..5". Multiple volumes can be defined as: "1,3,5" (a list of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be combined as: "1,3..5". The first volume is 1. All volumes can be defined as "all". No volumes can be defined as an empty string or "none". prefix (Optional[str]): volume identifier prefix. Returns: list[str]: volume identifiers with prefix or the string "all". Raises: ValueError: if the volume identifiers string is invalid. """ prefix_length = 0 if prefix: prefix_length = len(prefix) if not volume_identifiers_string or volume_identifiers_string == 'none': return [] if volume_identifiers_string == 'all': return ['all'] volume_identifiers = set() for identifiers_range in volume_identifiers_string.split(','): # Determine if the range is formatted as 1..3 otherwise it indicates # a single volume identifier. if '..' in identifiers_range: first_identifier, last_identifier = identifiers_range.split('..') if prefix and first_identifier.startswith(prefix): first_identifier = first_identifier[prefix_length:] if prefix and last_identifier.startswith(prefix): last_identifier = last_identifier[prefix_length:] try: first_identifier = int(first_identifier, 10) last_identifier = int(last_identifier, 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid volume identifiers range: {identifiers_range:s}.') for volume_identifier in range(first_identifier, last_identifier + 1): if volume_identifier not in volume_identifiers: if prefix: volume_identifier = f'{prefix:s}{volume_identifier:d}' volume_identifiers.add(volume_identifier) else: identifier = identifiers_range if prefix and identifier.startswith(prefix): identifier = identifiers_range[prefix_length:] try: volume_identifier = int(identifier, 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'Invalid volume identifier range: {identifiers_range:s}.') if prefix: volume_identifier = f'{prefix:s}{volume_identifier:d}' volume_identifiers.add(volume_identifier) # Note that sorted will return a list. return sorted(volume_identifiers) def _PrintAPFSVolumeIdentifiersOverview( self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Prints an overview of APFS volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (APFSVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): allowed volume identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if a volume cannot be resolved from the volume identifier. """ header = 'The following Apple File System (APFS) volumes were found:\n' self._output_writer.Write(header) column_names = ['Identifier', 'Name'] table_view = CLITabularTableView(column_names=column_names) # Sort the volume identifiers in alphanumeric order. for volume_identifier in sorted(volume_identifiers, key=lambda string: int( ''.join([character for character in string if character.isdigit()]))): volume = volume_system.GetVolumeByIdentifier(volume_identifier) if not volume: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Volume missing for identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') volume_attribute = volume.GetAttribute('name') table_view.AddRow([volume.identifier, volume_attribute.value]) self._output_writer.Write('\n') table_view.Write(self._output_writer) def _PrintLVMVolumeIdentifiersOverview( self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Prints an overview of LVM volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (LVMVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): allowed volume identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if a volume cannot be resolved from the volume identifier. """ header = 'The following Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volumes were found:\n' self._output_writer.Write(header) column_names = ['Identifier'] table_view = CLITabularTableView(column_names=column_names) # Sort the volume identifiers in alphanumeric order. for volume_identifier in sorted(volume_identifiers, key=lambda string: int( ''.join([character for character in string if character.isdigit()]))): volume = volume_system.GetVolumeByIdentifier(volume_identifier) if not volume: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Volume missing for identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') table_view.AddRow([volume.identifier]) self._output_writer.Write('\n') table_view.Write(self._output_writer) def _PrintPartitionIdentifiersOverview( self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Prints an overview of partition identifiers. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): allowed volume identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if a volume cannot be resolved from the volume identifier. """ header = 'The following partitions were found:\n' self._output_writer.Write(header) column_names = ['Identifier', 'Offset (in bytes)', 'Size (in bytes)'] table_view = CLITabularTableView(column_names=column_names) # Sort the volume identifiers in alphanumeric order. for volume_identifier in sorted(volume_identifiers, key=lambda string: int( ''.join([character for character in string if character.isdigit()]))): volume = volume_system.GetVolumeByIdentifier(volume_identifier) if not volume: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Partition missing for identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') volume_extent = volume.extents[0] volume_offset = f'{volume_extent.offset:d} (0x{volume_extent.offset:08x})' volume_size = self._FormatHumanReadableSize(volume_extent.size) table_view.AddRow([volume.identifier, volume_offset, volume_size]) self._output_writer.Write('\n') table_view.Write(self._output_writer) def _PrintVSSStoreIdentifiersOverview( self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Prints an overview of VSS store identifiers. Args: volume_system (VShadowVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): allowed volume identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if a volume cannot be resolved from the volume identifier. """ header = 'The following Volume Shadow Snapshots (VSS) were found:\n' self._output_writer.Write(header) column_names = ['Identifier', 'Creation Time'] table_view = CLITabularTableView(column_names=column_names) # Sort the volume identifiers in alphanumeric order. for volume_identifier in sorted(volume_identifiers, key=lambda string: int( ''.join([character for character in string if character.isdigit()]))): volume = volume_system.GetVolumeByIdentifier(volume_identifier) if not volume: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Volume missing for identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') volume_attribute = volume.GetAttribute('creation_time') filetime = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=volume_attribute.value) creation_time = filetime.CopyToDateTimeString() if volume.HasExternalData(): creation_time = ''.join([ creation_time, '\tWARNING: data stored outside volume']) table_view.AddRow([volume.identifier, creation_time]) self._output_writer.Write('\n') table_view.Write(self._output_writer) def _ReadSelectedVolumes(self, volume_system, prefix='v'): """Reads the selected volumes provided by the user. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. prefix (Optional[str]): volume identifier prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix. Raises: KeyboardInterrupt: if the user requested to abort. ValueError: if the volume identifiers string could not be parsed. """ volume_identifiers_string = self._input_reader.Read() volume_identifiers_string = volume_identifiers_string.strip() if not volume_identifiers_string: return [] selected_volumes = self._ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( volume_identifiers_string, prefix=prefix) if selected_volumes == ['all']: return volume_system.volume_identifiers return selected_volumes
[docs] def GetAPFSVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves APFS volume identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide APFS volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (APFSVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ self._PrintAPFSVolumeIdentifiersOverview(volume_system, volume_identifiers) while True: self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap(self._USER_PROMPT_VOLUMES.format('APFS')) self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\nVolume identifier(s): ') try: selected_volumes = self._ReadSelectedVolumes( volume_system, prefix='apfs') if (not selected_volumes or not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers)): break except ValueError: pass self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap( 'Unsupported volume identifier(s), please try again or abort with ' 'Ctrl^C.') self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\n') return selected_volumes
[docs] def GetLVMVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves LVM volume identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide LVM volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (LVMVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ self._PrintLVMVolumeIdentifiersOverview(volume_system, volume_identifiers) while True: self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap(self._USER_PROMPT_VOLUMES.format('LVM')) self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\nVolume identifier(s): ') try: selected_volumes = self._ReadSelectedVolumes( volume_system, prefix='lvm') if (not selected_volumes or not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers)): break except ValueError: pass self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap( 'Unsupported volume identifier(s), please try again or abort with ' 'Ctrl^C.') self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\n') return selected_volumes
[docs] def GetPartitionIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves partition identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide partition identifiers. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ self._PrintPartitionIdentifiersOverview(volume_system, volume_identifiers) while True: self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap(self._USER_PROMPT_PARTITIONS) self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\nPartition identifier(s): ') try: selected_volumes = self._ReadSelectedVolumes(volume_system, prefix='p') if (not selected_volumes or not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers)): break except ValueError: pass self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap( 'Unsupported partition identifier(s), please try again or abort with ' 'Ctrl^C.') self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\n') return selected_volumes
[docs] def GetVSSStoreIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves VSS store identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide VSS store identifiers. Args: volume_system (VShadowVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ self._PrintVSSStoreIdentifiersOverview(volume_system, volume_identifiers) while True: self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap(self._USER_PROMPT_SNAPSHOTS.format('VSS')) self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\nVSS identifier(s): ') try: selected_volumes = self._ReadSelectedVolumes( volume_system, prefix='vss') if (not selected_volumes or not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers)): break except ValueError: pass self._output_writer.Write('\n') lines = self._textwrapper.wrap( 'Unsupported VSS identifier(s), please try again or abort with ' 'Ctrl^C.') self._output_writer.Write('\n'.join(lines)) self._output_writer.Write('\n\n') return selected_volumes
[docs] def ParseVolumeIdentifiersString(self, volume_identifiers_string): """Parses a user specified volume identifiers string. Args: volume_identifiers_string (str): user specified volume identifiers. A range of volumes can be defined as: "3..5". Multiple volumes can be defined as: "1,3,5" (a list of comma separated values). Ranges and lists can also be combined as: "1,3..5". The first volume is 1. All volumes can be defined as "all". No volumes can be defined as an empty string or "none". Returns: list[str]: volume identifiers with prefix or the string "all". Raises: ValueError: if the volume identifiers string is invalid. """ return self._ParseVolumeIdentifiersString( volume_identifiers_string, prefix=None)
[docs] def PrintWarning(self, warning): """Prints a warning. Args: warning (str): warning text. """ self._output_writer.Write(f'[WARNING] {warning:s}\n\n')
[docs] def UnlockEncryptedVolume( self, source_scanner_object, scan_context, locked_scan_node, credentials): """Unlocks an encrypted volume. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide encrypted volume credentials. Args: source_scanner_object (SourceScanner): source scanner. scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. locked_scan_node (SourceScanNode): locked scan node. credentials (Credentials): credentials supported by the locked scan node. Returns: bool: True if the volume was unlocked. """ # TODO: print volume description. if locked_scan_node.type_indicator == ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_APFS_CONTAINER): header = 'Found an APFS encrypted volume.\n\n' elif locked_scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_BDE: header = 'Found a BitLocker encrypted volume.\n\n' elif locked_scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_CS: header = 'Found a CoreStorage (FileVault) encrypted volume.\n\n' elif locked_scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_LUKSDE: header = 'Found a LUKS encrypted volume.\n\n' else: header = 'Found an encrypted volume.\n\n' self._output_writer.Write(header) credentials_list = sorted(credentials.CREDENTIALS) credentials_list.append('skip') self._output_writer.Write('Supported credentials:\n\n') for index, name in enumerate(credentials_list): credential_index = index + 1 self._output_writer.Write(f' {credential_index:d}. {name:s}\n') self._output_writer.Write('\nNote that you can abort with Ctrl^C.\n\n') result = False while not result: self._output_writer.Write('Select a credential to unlock the volume: ') self._output_writer.Flush() input_line = self._input_reader.Read() input_line = input_line.strip() if input_line in credentials_list: credential_type = input_line else: try: credential_type = int(input_line, 10) credential_type = credentials_list[credential_type - 1] except (IndexError, ValueError): self._output_writer.Write(f'Unsupported credential: {input_line:s}\n') continue if credential_type == 'skip': break credential_data = getpass.getpass('Enter credential data: ') self._output_writer.Write('\n') if credential_type == 'key': try: credential_data = codecs.decode(credential_data, 'hex') except TypeError: self._output_writer.Write('Unsupported credential data.\n') continue try: result = source_scanner_object.Unlock( scan_context, locked_scan_node.path_spec, credential_type, credential_data) except errors.BackEndError: result = False if not result: self._output_writer.Write('Unable to unlock volume.\n\n') return result