Source code for dfvfs.helpers.volume_scanner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Scanner for supported volume and file systems."""

import abc
import os

from dfvfs.credentials import manager as credentials_manager
from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors
from dfvfs.helpers import source_scanner
from dfvfs.helpers import windows_path_resolver
from dfvfs.path import factory as path_spec_factory
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver
from dfvfs.volume import factory as volume_system_factory

[docs] class VolumeScannerOptions(object): """Volume scanner options. Attributes: credentials (list[tuple[str, str]]): credentials, per type, to unlock volumes. partitions (list[str]): partition identifiers. scan_mode (str): mode that defines how the VolumeScanner should scan for volumes and snapshots. snapshots (list[str]): snapshot identifiers. volumes (list[str]): volume identifiers, e.g. those of an APFS or LVM volume system. """ # Scan all volumes and snapshots for available file systems. SCAN_MODE_ALL = 'all' # Scan all volumes and snapshots for available file systems, but if a volume # system with snapshots is found, only scan snapshots not the current volume. SCAN_MODE_SNAPSHOTS_ONLY = 'snapshots-only' # Only scan volumes for available file systems. Do not scan snapshots. SCAN_MODE_VOLUMES_ONLY = 'volumes-only'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes volume scanner options.""" super(VolumeScannerOptions, self).__init__() self.credentials = [] self.partitions = [] self.scan_mode = self.SCAN_MODE_ALL self.snapshots = [] self.volumes = []
[docs] class VolumeScannerMediator(object): """Volume scanner mediator.""" # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetAPFSVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves APFS volume identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide APFS volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (APFSVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetLVMVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves LVM volume identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide LVM volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (LVMVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetPartitionIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves partition identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide partition identifiers. Args: volume_system (TSKVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """
[docs] def GetVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves volume identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (APFSVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ if volume_system.TYPE_INDICATOR == ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_APFS_CONTAINER): return self.GetAPFSVolumeIdentifiers(volume_system, volume_identifiers) if volume_system.TYPE_INDICATOR == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_LVM: return self.GetLVMVolumeIdentifiers(volume_system, volume_identifiers) return None
[docs] def GetVolumeSnapshotIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves volume snapshot identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide volume snapshot identifiers. Args: volume_system (APFSVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """ if volume_system.TYPE_INDICATOR == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_VSHADOW: return self.GetVSSStoreIdentifiers(volume_system, volume_identifiers) return None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetVSSStoreIdentifiers(self, volume_system, volume_identifiers): """Retrieves VSS store identifiers. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide VSS store identifiers. Args: volume_system (VShadowVolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[str]): volume identifiers including prefix. Returns: list[str]: selected volume identifiers including prefix or None. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def UnlockEncryptedVolume( self, source_scanner_object, scan_context, locked_scan_node, credentials): """Unlocks an encrypted volume. This method can be used to prompt the user to provide encrypted volume credentials. Args: source_scanner_object (SourceScanner): source scanner. scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. locked_scan_node (SourceScanNode): locked scan node. credentials (Credentials): credentials supported by the locked scan node. Returns: bool: True if the volume was unlocked. """
[docs] class VolumeScanner(object): """Volume scanner."""
[docs] def __init__(self, mediator=None): """Initializes a volume scanner. Args: mediator (Optional[VolumeScannerMediator]): a volume scanner mediator. """ super(VolumeScanner, self).__init__() self._mediator = mediator self._source_path = None self._source_scanner = source_scanner.SourceScanner() self._source_type = None
def _GetBasePathSpecs(self, scan_context, options): """Determines the base path specifications. Args: scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. Returns: list[PathSpec]: path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the format of or within the source is not supported. """ scan_node = scan_context.GetRootScanNode() if scan_context.source_type not in ( definitions.SOURCE_TYPE_STORAGE_MEDIA_DEVICE, definitions.SOURCE_TYPE_STORAGE_MEDIA_IMAGE): return [scan_node.path_spec] # Get the first node where where we need to decide what to process. while len(scan_node.sub_nodes) == 1: scan_node = scan_node.sub_nodes[0] base_path_specs = [] if scan_node.type_indicator not in ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GPT, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK_PARTITION): self._ScanVolume(scan_context, scan_node, options, base_path_specs) else: # Determine which partition needs to be processed. partition_identifiers = self._GetPartitionIdentifiers(scan_node, options) for partition_identifier in partition_identifiers: sub_scan_node = scan_node.GetSubNodeByLocation( f'/{partition_identifier:s}') self._ScanVolume(scan_context, sub_scan_node, options, base_path_specs) return base_path_specs def _GetPartitionIdentifiers(self, scan_node, options): """Determines the partition identifiers. This function determines which partition identifiers need to be scanned based on the volume scanner options. If no options are provided and there is more than a single partition the mediator is used to ask the user. Args: scan_node (SourceScanNode): scan node. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. Returns: list[str]: partition identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if the scan node is invalid or the scanner does not know how to proceed. UserAbort: if the user requested to abort. """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid scan node.') volume_system = volume_system_factory.Factory.NewVolumeSystem( scan_node.type_indicator) volume_system.Open(scan_node.path_spec) volume_identifiers = self._source_scanner.GetVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system) if not volume_identifiers: return [] if options.partitions: if options.partitions == ['all']: partitions = volume_system.volume_identifiers else: partitions = options.partitions try: selected_volumes = self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, partitions, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) if not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers): return selected_volumes except errors.ScannerError as exception: if self._mediator: self._mediator.PrintWarning(f'{exception!s}') if len(volume_identifiers) > 1: if not self._mediator: raise errors.ScannerError( 'Unable to proceed. More than one partitions found but no mediator ' 'to determine how they should be used.') try: volume_identifiers = self._mediator.GetPartitionIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise errors.UserAbort('Volume scan aborted.') return self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) def _GetVolumeIdentifiers(self, volume_system, options): """Determines the volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. Returns: list[str]: volume identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if the scanner does not know how to proceed. UserAbort: if the user requested to abort. """ volume_identifiers = self._source_scanner.GetVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system) if not volume_identifiers: return [] if options.volumes: if options.volumes == ['all']: volumes = volume_system.volume_identifiers else: volumes = options.volumes try: selected_volumes = self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, volumes, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) if not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers): return selected_volumes except errors.ScannerError as exception: if self._mediator: self._mediator.PrintWarning(f'{exception!s}') if len(volume_identifiers) > 1: if not self._mediator: raise errors.ScannerError(( f'Unable to proceed. More than one ' f'{volume_system.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} volume found but no mediator ' f'to determine how they should be used.')) try: volume_identifiers = self._mediator.GetVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise errors.UserAbort('Volume scan aborted.') return self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) def _GetVolumeSnapshotIdentifiers(self, volume_system, options): """Determines volume snapshot identifiers. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. Returns: list[str]: volume snapshot identifiers. Raises: ScannerError: if the scanner does not know how to proceed. UserAbort: if the user requested to abort. """ volume_identifiers = self._source_scanner.GetVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system) if not volume_identifiers: return [] if options.snapshots: if options.snapshots == ['all']: snapshots = volume_system.volume_identifiers elif options.snapshots == ['none']: snapshots = [] else: snapshots = options.snapshots try: selected_volumes = self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, snapshots, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) if not set(selected_volumes).difference(volume_identifiers): return selected_volumes except errors.ScannerError as exception: if self._mediator: self._mediator.PrintWarning(f'{exception!s}') if not self._mediator: raise errors.ScannerError(( f'Unable to proceed. {volume_system.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} volume ' f'snapshots found but no mediator to determine how they should ' f'be used.')) try: volume_identifiers = self._mediator.GetVolumeSnapshotIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise errors.UserAbort('Volume scan aborted.') return self._NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( volume_system, volume_identifiers, prefix=volume_system.VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX) def _NormalizedVolumeIdentifiers( self, volume_system, volume_identifiers, prefix='v'): """Normalizes volume identifiers. Args: volume_system (VolumeSystem): volume system. volume_identifiers (list[int|str]): allowed volume identifiers, formatted as an integer or string with prefix. prefix (Optional[str]): volume identifier prefix. Returns: list[str]: volume identifiers with prefix. Raises: ScannerError: if the volume identifier is not supported or no volume could be found that corresponds with the identifier. """ normalized_volume_identifiers = [] for volume_identifier in volume_identifiers: if isinstance(volume_identifier, int): volume_identifier = f'{prefix:s}{volume_identifier:d}' elif not volume_identifier.startswith(prefix): try: volume_identifier = int(volume_identifier, 10) volume_identifier = f'{prefix:s}{volume_identifier:d}' except (TypeError, ValueError): pass try: volume = volume_system.GetVolumeByIdentifier(volume_identifier) except KeyError: volume = None if not volume: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Volume missing for identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') normalized_volume_identifiers.append(volume_identifier) return normalized_volume_identifiers def _ScanEncryptedVolume(self, scan_context, scan_node, options): """Scans an encrypted volume scan node for volume and file systems. Args: scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. scan_node (SourceScanNode): volume scan node. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. Raises: ScannerError: if the format of or within the source is not supported, the scan node is invalid, there are no credentials defined for the format or no mediator is provided and a locked scan node was found, e.g. an encrypted volume, """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid or missing scan node.') credentials = credentials_manager.CredentialsManager.GetCredentials( scan_node.path_spec) if not credentials: raise errors.ScannerError('Missing credentials for scan node.') credentials_dict = {} for credential_identifier, credential_data in options.credentials: if credential_identifier not in credentials_dict: credentials_dict[credential_identifier] = [] credentials_dict[credential_identifier].append(credential_data) is_unlocked = False for credential_type in sorted(credentials.CREDENTIALS): for credential_data in credentials_dict.get(credential_type, []): try: is_unlocked = self._source_scanner.Unlock( scan_context, scan_node.path_spec, credential_type, credential_data) except errors.BackEndError: is_unlocked = False if is_unlocked: break if is_unlocked: break if not is_unlocked: if not self._mediator: raise errors.ScannerError( 'Unable to proceed. Encrypted volume found but no mediator to ' 'determine how it should be unlocked.') is_unlocked = self._mediator.UnlockEncryptedVolume( self._source_scanner, scan_context, scan_node, credentials) if is_unlocked: self._source_scanner.Scan( scan_context, scan_path_spec=scan_node.path_spec) def _ScanFileSystem(self, scan_node, base_path_specs): """Scans a file system scan node for file systems. Args: scan_node (SourceScanNode): file system scan node. base_path_specs (list[PathSpec]): file system base path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the scan node is invalid. """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid or missing file system scan node.') if scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_APFS: # Note that APFS can have a volume without a root directory. file_entry = resolver.Resolver.OpenFileEntry(scan_node.path_spec) if not file_entry: return base_path_specs.append(scan_node.path_spec) def _ScanSource(self, source_path): """Scans the source for supported formats. Args: source_path (str): path to the source. Returns: SourceScannerContext: source scanner context. Raises: ScannerError: if the source path does not exists, or if the source path is not a file or directory, or if the format of or within the source file is not supported. """ if not source_path: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid source path.') # Note that os.path.exists() does not support Windows device paths. if (not source_path.startswith('\\\\.\\') and not os.path.exists(source_path)): raise errors.ScannerError( f'No such device, file or directory: {source_path:s}.') source_path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_OS, location=source_path) return self._ScanSourcePathSpec(source_path_spec) def _ScanSourcePathSpec(self, source_path_spec): """Scans the source path specification for supported formats. Args: source_path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): source path specification. Returns: SourceScannerContext: source scanner context. Raises: ScannerError: if the source path does not exists, or if the source path is not a file or directory, or if the format of or within the source file is not supported. """ scan_context = source_scanner.SourceScannerContext() scan_context.AddScanNode(source_path_spec, None) try: self._source_scanner.Scan(scan_context) except (ValueError, errors.BackEndError) as exception: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Unable to scan source with error: {exception!s}') return scan_context def _ScanVolume(self, scan_context, scan_node, options, base_path_specs): """Scans a volume scan node for volume and file systems. Args: scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. scan_node (SourceScanNode): volume scan node. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. base_path_specs (list[PathSpec]): file system base path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the format of or within the source is not supported or the scan node is invalid. """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid or missing scan node.') if scan_context.IsLockedScanNode(scan_node.path_spec): # The source scanner found a locked volume and we need a credential to # unlock it. self._ScanEncryptedVolume(scan_context, scan_node, options) if scan_context.IsLockedScanNode(scan_node.path_spec): return if scan_node.IsVolumeSystemRoot(): if options.scan_mode in ( options.SCAN_MODE_ALL, options.SCAN_MODE_SNAPSHOTS_ONLY): self._ScanVolumeSystemRoot( scan_context, scan_node, options, base_path_specs) elif scan_node.IsFileSystem(): self._ScanFileSystem(scan_node, base_path_specs) elif scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_VSHADOW: # We "optimize" here for user experience, alternatively we could scan for # a file system instead of hard coding a TSK child path specification. # TODO: look into building VSS store on demand. if definitions.PREFERRED_NTFS_BACK_END == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK: location = '/' else: location = '\\' path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( definitions.PREFERRED_NTFS_BACK_END, location=location, parent=scan_node.path_spec) base_path_specs.append(path_spec) else: for sub_scan_node in scan_node.sub_nodes: self._ScanVolume(scan_context, sub_scan_node, options, base_path_specs) def _ScanVolumeSystemRoot( self, scan_context, scan_node, options, base_path_specs): """Scans a volume system root scan node for volume and file systems. Args: scan_context (SourceScannerContext): source scanner context. scan_node (SourceScanNode): volume system root scan node. options (VolumeScannerOptions): volume scanner options. base_path_specs (list[PathSpec]): file system base path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the scan node is invalid, the scan node type is not supported or if a sub scan node cannot be retrieved. """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid scan node.') if scan_node.type_indicator in ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_APFS_CONTAINER, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_CS, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_LVM): volume_system = volume_system_factory.Factory.NewVolumeSystem( scan_node.type_indicator) volume_system.Open(scan_node.path_spec) volume_identifiers = self._GetVolumeIdentifiers(volume_system, options) elif scan_node.type_indicator in ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GPT, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK_PARTITION): volume_identifiers = self._GetPartitionIdentifiers(scan_node, options) elif scan_node.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_VSHADOW: volume_system = volume_system_factory.Factory.NewVolumeSystem( scan_node.type_indicator) volume_system.Open(scan_node.path_spec) volume_identifiers = self._GetVolumeSnapshotIdentifiers( volume_system, options) # Process VSS stores (snapshots) starting with the most recent one. volume_identifiers.reverse() else: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Unsupported volume system type: {scan_node.type_indicator:s}.') for volume_identifier in volume_identifiers: sub_scan_node = scan_node.GetSubNodeByLocation(f'/{volume_identifier:s}') if not sub_scan_node: raise errors.ScannerError( f'Scan node missing for volume identifier: {volume_identifier:s}.') self._ScanVolume(scan_context, sub_scan_node, options, base_path_specs)
[docs] def GetBasePathSpecs(self, source_path, options=None): """Determines the base path specifications. Args: source_path (str): source path. options (Optional[VolumeScannerOptions]): volume scanner options. If None the default volume scanner options are used, which are defined in the VolumeScannerOptions class. Returns: list[PathSpec]: path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the source path does not exists, or if the source path is not a file or directory, or if the format of or within the source file is not supported. """ if not options: options = VolumeScannerOptions() scan_context = self._ScanSource(source_path) self._source_path = source_path self._source_type = scan_context.source_type return self._GetBasePathSpecs(scan_context, options)
[docs] class WindowsVolumeScanner(VolumeScanner): """Windows volume scanner.""" _WINDOWS_DIRECTORIES = frozenset([ 'C:\\Windows', 'C:\\WINNT', 'C:\\WTSRV', 'C:\\WINNT35', ])
[docs] def __init__(self, mediator=None): """Initializes a Windows volume scanner. Args: mediator (VolumeScannerMediator): a volume scanner mediator. """ super(WindowsVolumeScanner, self).__init__(mediator=mediator) self._file_system = None self._path_resolver = None self._windows_directory = None
def _ScanFileSystem(self, scan_node, base_path_specs): """Scans a file system scan node for file systems. This method checks if the file system contains a known Windows directory. Args: scan_node (SourceScanNode): file system scan node. base_path_specs (list[PathSpec]): file system base path specifications. Raises: ScannerError: if the scan node is invalid. """ if not scan_node or not scan_node.path_spec: raise errors.ScannerError('Invalid or missing file system scan node.') file_system = resolver.Resolver.OpenFileSystem(scan_node.path_spec) if file_system: path_resolver = windows_path_resolver.WindowsPathResolver( file_system, scan_node.path_spec.parent) if self._ScanFileSystemForWindowsDirectory(path_resolver): base_path_specs.append(scan_node.path_spec) def _ScanFileSystemForWindowsDirectory(self, path_resolver): """Scans a file system for a known Windows directory. Args: path_resolver (WindowsPathResolver): Windows path resolver. Returns: bool: True if a known Windows directory was found. """ result = False for windows_path in self._WINDOWS_DIRECTORIES: windows_path_spec = path_resolver.ResolvePath(windows_path) result = windows_path_spec is not None if result: self._windows_directory = windows_path break return result
[docs] def OpenFile(self, windows_path): """Opens the file specified by the Windows path. Args: windows_path (str): Windows path to the file. Returns: FileIO: file-like object or None if the file does not exist. """ path_spec = self._path_resolver.ResolvePath(windows_path) if path_spec is None: return None return self._file_system.GetFileObjectByPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def ScanForWindowsVolume(self, source_path, options=None): """Scans for a Windows volume. Args: source_path (str): source path. options (Optional[VolumeScannerOptions]): volume scanner options. If None the default volume scanner options are used, which are defined in the VolumeScannerOptions class. Returns: bool: True if a Windows volume was found. Raises: ScannerError: if the source path does not exists, or if the source path is not a file or directory, or if the format of or within the source file is not supported. """ if not options: options = VolumeScannerOptions() scan_context = self._ScanSource(source_path) self._source_path = source_path self._source_type = scan_context.source_type base_path_specs = self._GetBasePathSpecs(scan_context, options) if (not base_path_specs or scan_context.source_type == definitions.SOURCE_TYPE_FILE): return False file_system_path_spec = base_path_specs[0] self._file_system = resolver.Resolver.OpenFileSystem(file_system_path_spec) if file_system_path_spec.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_OS: mount_point = file_system_path_spec else: mount_point = file_system_path_spec.parent self._path_resolver = windows_path_resolver.WindowsPathResolver( self._file_system, mount_point) # The source is a directory or single volume storage media image. if not self._windows_directory: self._ScanFileSystemForWindowsDirectory(self._path_resolver) if not self._windows_directory: return False self._path_resolver.SetEnvironmentVariable( 'SystemRoot', self._windows_directory) self._path_resolver.SetEnvironmentVariable( 'WinDir', self._windows_directory) return True