Source code for dfvfs.lib.cpio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Copy in and out (CPIO) archive file."""

import os

from dtfabric.runtime import fabric as dtfabric_fabric

from dfvfs.lib import data_format
from dfvfs.lib import errors

[docs] class CPIOArchiveFileEntry(object): """CPIO archive file entry. Attributes: data_offset (int): data start offset. data_size (int): data size. group_identifier (int): group identifier (gid). inode_number (int): inode number. mode (int): mode. modification_time (int): modification POSIX timestamp. number_of_links (int): number of hard links. path (str): path. size (int): archive file entry record size. user_identifier (int): user identifier (uid). """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a CPIO archive file entry.""" super(CPIOArchiveFileEntry, self).__init__() self.data_offset = None self.data_size = None self.group_identifier = None self.inode_number = None self.mode = None self.modification_time = None self.number_of_links = None self.path = None self.size = None self.user_identifier = None
[docs] class CPIOArchiveFile(data_format.DataFormat): """CPIO archive file. Attributes: file_format (str): CPIO file format. """ _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC_DEFINITION_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cpio.yaml') with open(_DATA_TYPE_FABRIC_DEFINITION_FILE, 'rb') as file_object: _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC_DEFINITION = _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC = dtfabric_fabric.DataTypeFabric( yaml_definition=_DATA_TYPE_FABRIC_DEFINITION) _CPIO_BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN_FILE_ENTRY = _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC.CreateDataTypeMap( 'cpio_binary_big_endian_file_entry') _CPIO_BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN_FILE_ENTRY = _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC.CreateDataTypeMap( 'cpio_binary_little_endian_file_entry') _CPIO_PORTABLE_ASCII_FILE_ENTRY = _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC.CreateDataTypeMap( 'cpio_portable_ascii_file_entry') _CPIO_NEW_ASCII_FILE_ENTRY = _DATA_TYPE_FABRIC.CreateDataTypeMap( 'cpio_new_ascii_file_entry') _CPIO_SIGNATURE_BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN = b'\x71\xc7' _CPIO_SIGNATURE_BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN = b'\xc7\x71' _CPIO_SIGNATURE_PORTABLE_ASCII = b'070707' _CPIO_SIGNATURE_NEW_ASCII = b'070701' _CPIO_SIGNATURE_NEW_ASCII_WITH_CHECKSUM = b'070702' _CPIO_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES_ODC = ( 'device_number', 'inode_number', 'mode', 'user_identifier', 'group_identifier', 'number_of_links', 'special_device_number', 'modification_time', 'path_size', 'file_size') _CPIO_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES_CRC = ( 'inode_number', 'mode', 'user_identifier', 'group_identifier', 'number_of_links', 'modification_time', 'path_size', 'file_size', 'device_major_number', 'device_minor_number', 'special_device_major_number', 'special_device_minor_number', 'checksum')
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): """Initializes a CPIO archive file. Args: encoding (str): encoding of paths within the archive file. """ super(CPIOArchiveFile, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding self._file_entries = None self._file_object = None self._file_size = 0 self.file_format = None
@property def encoding(self): """str: encoding of paths within the archive file.""" return self._encoding def _ReadFileEntry(self, file_object, file_offset): """Reads a file entry. Args: file_object (FileIO): file-like object. file_offset (int): offset of the data relative from the start of the file-like object. Returns: CPIOArchiveFileEntry: a file entry. Raises: FileFormatError: if the file entry cannot be read. """ data_type_map = None if self.file_format == 'bin-big-endian': data_type_map = self._CPIO_BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN_FILE_ENTRY elif self.file_format == 'bin-little-endian': data_type_map = self._CPIO_BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN_FILE_ENTRY elif self.file_format == 'odc': data_type_map = self._CPIO_PORTABLE_ASCII_FILE_ENTRY elif self.file_format in ('crc', 'newc'): data_type_map = self._CPIO_NEW_ASCII_FILE_ENTRY file_entry, file_entry_data_size = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, data_type_map) file_offset += file_entry_data_size if self.file_format in ('bin-big-endian', 'bin-little-endian'): file_entry.modification_time = ( (file_entry.modification_time.upper << 16) | file_entry.modification_time.lower) file_entry.file_size = ( (file_entry.file_size.upper << 16) | file_entry.file_size.lower) if self.file_format == 'odc': for attribute_name in self._CPIO_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES_ODC: value = getattr(file_entry, attribute_name, None) try: value = int(value, 8) except ValueError: raise errors.FileFormatError(( f'Unable to convert attribute: {attribute_name:s} into ' f'an integer')) value = setattr(file_entry, attribute_name, value) elif self.file_format in ('crc', 'newc'): for attribute_name in self._CPIO_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES_CRC: value = getattr(file_entry, attribute_name, None) try: value = int(value, 16) except ValueError: raise errors.FileFormatError(( f'Unable to convert attribute: {attribute_name:s} into ' f'an integer')) value = setattr(file_entry, attribute_name, value) path_data = file_offset += file_entry.path_size path = path_data.decode(self._encoding) path, _, _ = path.partition('\x00') if self.file_format in ('bin-big-endian', 'bin-little-endian'): padding_size = file_offset % 2 if padding_size > 0: padding_size = 2 - padding_size elif self.file_format == 'odc': padding_size = 0 elif self.file_format in ('crc', 'newc'): padding_size = file_offset % 4 if padding_size > 0: padding_size = 4 - padding_size file_offset += padding_size archive_file_entry = CPIOArchiveFileEntry() archive_file_entry.data_offset = file_offset archive_file_entry.data_size = file_entry.file_size archive_file_entry.group_identifier = file_entry.group_identifier archive_file_entry.inode_number = file_entry.inode_number archive_file_entry.modification_time = file_entry.modification_time archive_file_entry.number_of_links = file_entry.number_of_links archive_file_entry.path = path archive_file_entry.mode = file_entry.mode archive_file_entry.size = ( file_entry_data_size + file_entry.path_size + padding_size + file_entry.file_size) archive_file_entry.user_identifier = file_entry.user_identifier file_offset += file_entry.file_size if self.file_format in ('bin-big-endian', 'bin-little-endian'): padding_size = file_offset % 2 if padding_size > 0: padding_size = 2 - padding_size elif self.file_format == 'odc': padding_size = 0 elif self.file_format in ('crc', 'newc'): padding_size = file_offset % 4 if padding_size > 0: padding_size = 4 - padding_size if padding_size > 0: archive_file_entry.size += padding_size return archive_file_entry def _ReadFileEntries(self, file_object): """Reads the file entries from the cpio archive. Args: file_object (FileIO): file-like object. """ self._file_entries = {} file_offset = 0 while file_offset < self._file_size or self._file_size == 0: file_entry = self._ReadFileEntry(file_object, file_offset) file_offset += file_entry.size if file_entry.path == 'TRAILER!!!': break if file_entry.path in self._file_entries: # TODO: alert on file entries with duplicate paths? continue self._file_entries[file_entry.path] = file_entry
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the CPIO archive file.""" self._file_entries = None self._file_object = None self._file_size = None
[docs] def FileEntryExistsByPath(self, path): """Determines if file entry for a specific path exists. Returns: bool: True if the file entry exists. """ if self._file_entries is None: return False return path in self._file_entries
[docs] def GetFileEntries(self, path_prefix=''): """Retrieves the file entries. Args: path_prefix (str): path prefix. Yields: CPIOArchiveFileEntry: a CPIO archive file entry. """ if self._file_entries: for path, file_entry in self._file_entries.items(): if path.startswith(path_prefix): yield file_entry
[docs] def GetFileEntryByPath(self, path): """Retrieves a file entry for a specific path. Returns: CPIOArchiveFileEntry: a CPIO archive file entry or None if not available. """ if not self._file_entries: return None return self._file_entries.get(path, None)
[docs] def Open(self, file_object): """Opens the CPIO archive file. Args: file_object (FileIO): a file-like object. Raises: IOError: if the file format signature is not supported. OSError: if the file format signature is not supported. """, os.SEEK_SET) signature_data = self.file_format = None if len(signature_data) > 2: if signature_data[:2] == self._CPIO_SIGNATURE_BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN: self.file_format = 'bin-big-endian' elif signature_data[:2] == self._CPIO_SIGNATURE_BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN: self.file_format = 'bin-little-endian' elif signature_data == self._CPIO_SIGNATURE_PORTABLE_ASCII: self.file_format = 'odc' elif signature_data == self._CPIO_SIGNATURE_NEW_ASCII: self.file_format = 'newc' elif signature_data == self._CPIO_SIGNATURE_NEW_ASCII_WITH_CHECKSUM: self.file_format = 'crc' if self.file_format is None: raise IOError('Unsupported CPIO format.') self._file_object = file_object self._file_size = file_object.get_size() self._ReadFileEntries(self._file_object)
[docs] def ReadDataAtOffset(self, file_offset, size): """Reads a byte string from the file-like object at a specific offset. Args: file_offset (int): file offset. size (int): number of bytes to read. Returns: bytes: data read. Raises: IOError: if the read failed. OSError: if the read failed. """, os.SEEK_SET) return