Source code for dfvfs.vfs.ext_file_entry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The EXT file entry implementation."""

from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors
from dfvfs.path import ext_path_spec
from dfvfs.vfs import attribute
from dfvfs.vfs import ext_attribute
from dfvfs.vfs import ext_directory
from dfvfs.vfs import extent
from dfvfs.vfs import file_entry

[docs] class EXTFileEntry(file_entry.FileEntry): """File system file entry that uses pyfsext.""" TYPE_INDICATOR = definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_EXT # Mappings of EXT file types to dfVFS file entry types. _ENTRY_TYPES = { 0x1000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_PIPE, 0x2000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_CHARACTER_DEVICE, 0x4000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0x6000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE, 0x8000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE, 0xa000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_LINK, 0xc000: definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_SOCKET} _NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000000
[docs] def __init__( self, resolver_context, file_system, path_spec, fsext_file_entry=None, is_root=False, is_virtual=False): """Initializes a file entry. Args: resolver_context (Context): resolver context. file_system (FileSystem): file system. path_spec (PathSpec): path specification. fsext_file_entry (Optional[pyfsext.file_entry]): EXT file entry. is_root (Optional[bool]): True if the file entry is the root file entry of the corresponding file system. is_virtual (Optional[bool]): True if the file entry is a virtual file entry emulated by the corresponding file system. Raises: BackEndError: if the pyfsext file entry is missing. """ if not fsext_file_entry: fsext_file_entry = file_system.GetEXTFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if not fsext_file_entry: raise errors.BackEndError('Missing pyfsext file entry.') if is_root: file_entry_name = '' else: file_entry_name = # Use the path specification location to determine the file entry name # if the file entry was retrieved by inode. if file_entry_name is None: location = getattr(path_spec, 'location', None) if location: location_segments = file_system.SplitPath(location) if location_segments: file_entry_name = location_segments[-1] super(EXTFileEntry, self).__init__( resolver_context, file_system, path_spec, is_root=is_root, is_virtual=is_virtual) self._creation_time = fsext_file_entry.get_creation_time_as_integer() self._fsext_file_entry = fsext_file_entry self._name = file_entry_name self.entry_type = self._ENTRY_TYPES.get( fsext_file_entry.file_mode & 0xf000, None)
def _GetAttributes(self): """Retrieves the attributes. Returns: list[Attribute]: attributes. """ if self._attributes is None: self._attributes = [] for fsext_extended_attribute in ( self._fsext_file_entry.extended_attributes): extended_attribute = ext_attribute.EXTExtendedAttribute( fsext_extended_attribute) self._attributes.append(extended_attribute) return self._attributes def _GetDirectory(self): """Retrieves a directory. Returns: EXTDirectory: directory or None if not available. """ if self.entry_type != definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return None return ext_directory.EXTDirectory( self._file_system, self.path_spec, self._fsext_file_entry) def _GetLink(self): """Retrieves the link. Returns: str: path of the linked file. """ if self._link is None: self._link = self._fsext_file_entry.symbolic_link_target if self._link and self._link[0] != self._file_system.PATH_SEPARATOR: # TODO: make link absolute. self._link = f'/{self._link:s}' return self._link def _GetStatAttribute(self): """Retrieves a stat attribute. Returns: StatAttribute: a stat attribute or None if not available. """ stat_attribute = attribute.StatAttribute() stat_attribute.device_number = self._fsext_file_entry.device_number stat_attribute.group_identifier = self._fsext_file_entry.group_identifier stat_attribute.inode_number = self._fsext_file_entry.inode_number stat_attribute.mode = self._fsext_file_entry.file_mode stat_attribute.number_of_links = self._fsext_file_entry.number_of_links stat_attribute.owner_identifier = self._fsext_file_entry.owner_identifier stat_attribute.size = self._fsext_file_entry.size stat_attribute.type = self.entry_type return stat_attribute def _GetSubFileEntries(self): """Retrieves a sub file entries generator. Yields: EXTFileEntry: a sub file entry. """ if self._directory is None: self._directory = self._GetDirectory() if self._directory: for path_spec in self._directory.entries: yield EXTFileEntry(self._resolver_context, self._file_system, path_spec) @property def access_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: access time or None if not available.""" timestamp = self._fsext_file_entry.get_access_time_as_integer() # If creation time is not present (None) the timestamp precision is in # seconds. if self._creation_time is None: timestamp, _ = divmod(timestamp, self._NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTime(timestamp=timestamp) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInNanoseconds(timestamp=timestamp) @property def change_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: change time or None if not available.""" timestamp = self._fsext_file_entry.get_inode_change_time_as_integer() # If creation time is not present (None) the timestamp precision is in # seconds. if self._creation_time is None: timestamp, _ = divmod(timestamp, self._NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTime(timestamp=timestamp) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInNanoseconds(timestamp=timestamp) @property def creation_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: creation time or None if not available.""" # Creation time can be None if not present and 0 if not set. if not self._creation_time: return None return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInNanoseconds( timestamp=self._creation_time) @property def deletion_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: deletion time or None if not available.""" timestamp = self._fsext_file_entry.get_deletion_time_as_integer() # Deletion time can be 0 if not set. if not timestamp: return None return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTime(timestamp=timestamp) @property def name(self): """str: name of the file entry, which does not include the full path.""" return self._name @property def modification_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: modification time or None if not available.""" timestamp = self._fsext_file_entry.get_modification_time_as_integer() # If creation time is not present (None) the timestamp precision is in # seconds. if self._creation_time is None: timestamp, _ = divmod(timestamp, self._NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTime(timestamp=timestamp) return dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInNanoseconds(timestamp=timestamp) @property def size(self): """int: size of the file entry in bytes or None if not available.""" return self._fsext_file_entry.size
[docs] def GetExtents(self): """Retrieves the extents. Returns: list[Extent]: the extents. """ if self.entry_type != definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE: return [] extents = [] for extent_index in range(self._fsext_file_entry.number_of_extents): extent_offset, extent_size, extent_flags = ( self._fsext_file_entry.get_extent(extent_index)) if extent_flags & 0x1: extent_type = definitions.EXTENT_TYPE_SPARSE else: extent_type = definitions.EXTENT_TYPE_DATA data_stream_extent = extent.Extent( extent_type=extent_type, offset=extent_offset, size=extent_size) extents.append(data_stream_extent) return extents
[docs] def GetEXTFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the EXT file entry. Returns: pyfsext.file_entry: EXT file entry. """ return self._fsext_file_entry
[docs] def GetLinkedFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the linked file entry, e.g. for a symbolic link. Returns: EXTFileEntry: linked file entry or None if not available. """ link = self._GetLink() if not link: return None parent_path_spec = getattr(self.path_spec, 'parent', None) path_spec = ext_path_spec.EXTPathSpec( location=link, parent=parent_path_spec) is_root = bool(link == self._file_system.LOCATION_ROOT) return EXTFileEntry( self._resolver_context, self._file_system, path_spec, is_root=is_root)
[docs] def GetParentFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the parent file entry. Returns: EXTFileEntry: parent file entry or None if not available. """ parent_location = None location = getattr(self.path_spec, 'location', None) if location is not None: parent_location = self._file_system.DirnamePath(location) if parent_location == '': parent_location = self._file_system.PATH_SEPARATOR parent_path_spec = getattr(self.path_spec, 'parent', None) path_spec = ext_path_spec.EXTPathSpec( location=parent_location, parent=parent_path_spec) is_root = bool(parent_location == self._file_system.LOCATION_ROOT) return EXTFileEntry( self._resolver_context, self._file_system, path_spec, is_root=is_root)