Source code for dfvfs.vfs.file_system

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Virtual File System (VFS) file system interface."""

import abc

[docs] class FileSystem(object): """File system interface.""" # Note that redundant-returns-doc is broken for pylint 1.7.x for abstract # methods # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc LOCATION_ROOT = '/' PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'
[docs] def __init__(self, resolver_context, path_spec): """Initializes a file system. Args: resolver_context (Context): resolver context. path_spec (PathSpec): a path specification. Raises: ValueError: if a derived file system class does not define a type indicator. """ super(FileSystem, self).__init__() self._is_open = False self._path_spec = path_spec self._resolver_context = resolver_context if not getattr(self, 'TYPE_INDICATOR', None): raise ValueError('Missing type indicator.')
[docs] def __del__(self): """Cleans up the file system.""" if self._is_open: self._Close()
@property def type_indicator(self): """str: type indicator.""" # pylint: disable=no-member return self.TYPE_INDICATOR @abc.abstractmethod def _Close(self): """Closes the file system. Raises: IOError: if the close failed. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _Open(self, mode='rb'): """Opens the file system object defined by path specification. Args: mode (Optional[str]): file access mode. The default is 'rb' which represents read-only binary. Raises: AccessError: if the access to open the file was denied. IOError: if the file system object could not be opened. PathSpecError: if the path specification is incorrect. ValueError: if the path specification is invalid. """
[docs] def BasenamePath(self, path): """Determines the basename of the path. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: basename of the path. """ if path.endswith(self.PATH_SEPARATOR): path = path[:-1] _, _, basename = path.rpartition(self.PATH_SEPARATOR) return basename
[docs] def DirnamePath(self, path): """Determines the directory name of the path. The file system root is represented by an empty string. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: directory name of the path or None. """ if path.endswith(self.PATH_SEPARATOR): path = path[:-1] if not path: return None dirname, _, _ = path.rpartition(self.PATH_SEPARATOR) return dirname
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def FileEntryExistsByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Determines if a file entry for a path specification exists. Args: path_spec (PathSpec): a path specification. Returns: bool: True if the file entry exists. """
[docs] def GetDataStreamByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves a data stream for a path specification. Args: path_spec (PathSpec): a path specification. Returns: DataStream: a data stream or None if not available. """ file_entry = self.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if not file_entry: return None data_stream_name = getattr(path_spec, 'data_stream', None) return file_entry.GetDataStream(data_stream_name)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetFileEntryByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves a file entry for a path specification. Args: path_spec (PathSpec): a path specification. Returns: FileEntry: a file entry or None if not available. """
[docs] def GetFileObjectByPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves a file-like object for a path specification. Args: path_spec (PathSpec): a path specification. Returns: FileIO: a file-like object or None if not available. """ file_entry = self.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if not file_entry: return None return file_entry.GetFileObject()
[docs] def GetPathSegmentAndSuffix(self, base_path, path): """Determines the path segment and suffix of the path. None is returned if the path does not start with the base path and an empty string if the path exactly matches the base path. Args: base_path (str): base path. path (str): path. Returns: tuple[str, str]: path segment and suffix string. """ if path is None or base_path is None or not path.startswith(base_path): return None, None path_index = len(base_path) if base_path and not base_path.endswith(self.PATH_SEPARATOR): path_index += 1 if path_index == len(path): return '', '' path_segment, _, suffix = path[path_index:].partition(self.PATH_SEPARATOR) return path_segment, suffix
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetRootFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the root file entry. Returns: FileEntry: a file entry or None if not available. """
[docs] def JoinPath(self, path_segments): """Joins the path segments into a path. Args: path_segments (list[str]): path segments. Returns: str: joined path segments prefixed with the path separator. """ # This is an optimized way to combine the path segments into a single path # and combine multiple successive path separators to one. # Split all the path segments based on the path (segment) separator. path_segments = [ segment.split(self.PATH_SEPARATOR) for segment in path_segments] # Flatten the sublists into one list. path_segments = [ element for sublist in path_segments for element in sublist] # Remove empty path segments. path_segments = list(filter(None, path_segments)) return ''.join([ self.PATH_SEPARATOR, self.PATH_SEPARATOR.join(path_segments)])
# Note that path_spec is kept as the second argument for backwards # compatibility.
[docs] def Open(self, path_spec=None, mode='rb'): """Opens the file system object defined by path specification. Args: path_spec (Optional[PathSpec]): a path specification. mode (Optional[str]): file access mode. The default is 'rb' which represents read-only binary. Raises: AccessError: if the access to open the file was denied. IOError: if the file system object was already opened or the open failed. OSError: if the file system object was already opened or the open failed. PathSpecError: if the path specification is incorrect. ValueError: if the path specification or mode is invalid. """ if self._is_open: raise IOError('Already open.') if mode != 'rb': raise ValueError(f'Unsupported mode: {mode:s}.') if not self._path_spec: self._path_spec = path_spec if not self._path_spec: raise ValueError('Missing path specification.') self._Open(mode=mode) self._is_open = True
[docs] def SplitPath(self, path): """Splits the path into path segments. Args: path (str): path. Returns: list[str]: path segments without the root path segment, which is an empty string. """ # Split the path with the path separator and remove empty path segments. return list(filter(None, path.split(self.PATH_SEPARATOR)))