Source code for dfvfs.vfs.zip_file_entry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The ZIP file entry implementation."""

from dfdatetime import time_elements as dfdatetime_time_elements

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors
from dfvfs.path import zip_path_spec
from dfvfs.vfs import attribute
from dfvfs.vfs import file_entry
from dfvfs.vfs import zip_directory

[docs] def __init__( self, resolver_context, file_system, path_spec, is_root=False, is_virtual=False, zip_info=None): """Initializes a file entry. Args: resolver_context (Context): resolver context. file_system (FileSystem): file system. path_spec (PathSpec): path specification. is_root (Optional[bool]): True if the file entry is the root file entry of the corresponding file system. is_virtual (Optional[bool]): True if the file entry is a virtual file entry emulated by the corresponding file system. zip_info (Optional[zipfile.ZipInfo]): ZIP information. Raises: BackEndError: when the zip info is missing in a non-virtual file entry. """ if not is_virtual and zip_info is None: zip_info = file_system.GetZipInfoByPathSpec(path_spec) if not is_virtual and zip_info is None: raise errors.BackEndError('Missing zip info in non-virtual file entry.') super(ZipFileEntry, self).__init__( resolver_context, file_system, path_spec, is_root=is_root, is_virtual=is_virtual) self._creator_system = getattr(zip_info, 'create_system', 0) self._external_attributes = getattr(zip_info, 'external_attr', 0) self._zip_info = zip_info if (is_virtual or self._external_attributes & self._MSDOS_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_IS_DIRECTORY): self.entry_type = definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY else: self.entry_type = definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE
def _GetDirectory(self): """Retrieves a directory. Returns: ZIPDirectory: a directory. """ if self.entry_type != definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return None return zip_directory.ZIPDirectory(self._file_system, self.path_spec) def _GetStatAttribute(self): """Retrieves a stat attribute. Returns: StatAttribute: a stat attribute or None if not available. """ stat_attribute = attribute.StatAttribute() stat_attribute.size = getattr(self._zip_info, 'file_size', None) stat_attribute.type = self.entry_type if self._zip_info is not None: # Ownership and permissions stat information. if self._external_attributes != 0: if self._creator_system == self._CREATOR_SYSTEM_UNIX: stat_attribute.mode = self._external_attributes >> 16 return stat_attribute def _GetSubFileEntries(self): """Retrieves sub file entries. Yields: ZipFileEntry: a sub file entry. """ if self._directory is None: self._directory = self._GetDirectory() if self._directory: zip_file = self._file_system.GetZipFile() if zip_file: for path_spec in self._directory.entries: location = getattr(path_spec, 'location', None) if location is None: continue kwargs = {} try: kwargs['zip_info'] = zip_file.getinfo(location[1:]) except KeyError: kwargs['is_virtual'] = True yield ZipFileEntry( self._resolver_context, self._file_system, path_spec, **kwargs) @property def modification_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: modification time or None if not available.""" if self._zip_info is None: return None time_elements = getattr(self._zip_info, 'date_time', None) return dfdatetime_time_elements.TimeElements( time_elements_tuple=time_elements) @property def name(self): """str: name of the file entry, without the full path.""" path = getattr(self.path_spec, 'location', None) if path is not None and not isinstance(path, str): try: path = path.decode(self._file_system.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: path = None return self._file_system.BasenamePath(path) @property def size(self): """int: size of the file entry in bytes or None if not available.""" return getattr(self._zip_info, 'file_size', None)
[docs] def GetParentFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the parent file entry. Returns: ZipFileEntry: parent file entry or None if not available. """ location = getattr(self.path_spec, 'location', None) if location is None: return None parent_location = self._file_system.DirnamePath(location) if parent_location is None: return None parent_path_spec = getattr(self.path_spec, 'parent', None) if parent_location == '': parent_location = self._file_system.PATH_SEPARATOR is_root = True is_virtual = True else: is_root = False is_virtual = False path_spec = zip_path_spec.ZipPathSpec( location=parent_location, parent=parent_path_spec) return ZipFileEntry( self._resolver_context, self._file_system, path_spec, is_root=is_root, is_virtual=is_virtual)
[docs] def GetZipInfo(self): """Retrieves the ZIP info object. Returns: zipfile.ZipInfo: a ZIP info object or None if not available. Raises: PathSpecError: if the path specification is incorrect. """ if not self._zip_info: location = getattr(self.path_spec, 'location', None) if location is None: raise errors.PathSpecError('Path specification missing location.') if not location.startswith(self._file_system.LOCATION_ROOT): raise errors.PathSpecError('Invalid location in path specification.') if len(location) == 1: return None zip_file = self._file_system.GetZipFile() try: self._zip_info = zip_file.getinfo(location[1:]) except KeyError: pass return self._zip_info