Source code for dfvfs.volume.cs_volume_system

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Core Storage (CS) volume system."""

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.volume import factory
from dfvfs.volume import volume_system

[docs] class CSVolume(volume_system.Volume): """Volume that uses pyfvde."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file_entry): """Initializes a CS volume. Args: file_entry (CSFileEntry): a CS file entry. """ super(CSVolume, self).__init__( self._file_entry = file_entry
def _Parse(self): """Extracts attributes and extents from the volume.""" fvde_logical_volume = self._file_entry.GetFVDELogicalVolume() volume_attribute = volume_system.VolumeAttribute( 'identifier', fvde_logical_volume.identifier) self._AddAttribute(volume_attribute) # TODO: implement in pyfvde # TODO: add support for creation time # TODO: add support for logical volume extents volume_extent = volume_system.VolumeExtent(0, fvde_logical_volume.size) self._extents.append(volume_extent)
[docs] class CSVolumeSystem(volume_system.VolumeSystem): """Volume system that uses pyfvde.""" TYPE_INDICATOR = definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_CS VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX = 'cs' def _Parse(self): """Extracts sections and volumes from the volume system.""" root_file_entry = self._file_system.GetRootFileEntry() for sub_file_entry in root_file_entry.sub_file_entries: volume = CSVolume(sub_file_entry) self._AddVolume(volume)